~ Teaching Experience ~
Adjunct Instructor
Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA.
February, 2008 - present- Digital Graphics using Photoshop and Illustrator (DM4).
- Photoshop Techniques (DM 12) - Intermediate level of Photoshop.
- Web Design and Animation using Flash (DM72).
Digital Media Academy, Stanford University, CA
July, 2006- Dreamweaver Training - Web Design & Production with Dreamweaver I
Academy X, San Francisco, CA
September, 2005 to present- Flash Fundamentals (Flash CS3)
- Intermediate Dreamweaver
- Introductory JavaScript
Adjunct Instructor
Monterey Peninsula College, Monterey, CA
January, 2005 to present- Art 40: Graphic Design for the Web
- Art 44: Animation for the Web (Flash CS3)
Program Associate II
Education, Training and Research (ETR) Associates, Scotts Valley, CA
September 2002 - March 2004- Instructed middle school girls to create games using Flash MX in an afterschool and summer program; part of a National Science Foundation grant on Gender Equity in technology.
University of California Extension, Santa Cruz
On Site Training - Corporate Technical Consulting Services
June 2002 to present- Web Design Using Dreamweaver
Instructor / Program Coordinator
University of California Extension, Santa Cruz
May 2001 to present.- HTML Fundamentals (online and classroom)
- HTML5: The Living Language (online)
- Designing with Cascading Style Sheets, Fundamentals (online and classroom)
- Desiging with Cascading Style Sheets, Advanced
- Web Design using Dreamweaver
- Web Design: Flash I (Introduction)
- Web Design: Flash II (Intermediate)
- Web Design: Hands On Basics
San Jose State University
Professional Development Program
March 2001 - December 2002- Dreamweaver
- Integrated HTML, Web Design, and Graphics
- Flash (Beginning)
Adjunct Instructor
Cogswell Polytechnical College, Sunnyvale, CA
September 2000 to present- Interactivity and Synchronization
- Web Site Design / Interactivity Fundamentals
- Interactive Authoring: Flash
Teacher Assistant
University of California Extension, Santa Cruz
1999 to present- Web Design: Flash I (Introduction)
- Web Design: Flash II (Intermediate)
- Web Design: Flash III (Advanced)
- PhotoShop: Design for the Web
- PhotoShop: Basics
- PhotoShop: Intermediate
- Illustrator (Introduction)
- Dreamweaver 4.0
- GoLive 5
- Web Design: Hands On Basics
- Director 8.0
- Javascript for Designers
~ Web Design/Development Experience ~
I-On-Design, Scotts Valley, CA.
September, 2007- Assisted development of a Flash multimedia annual report for Washington Hospital Healthcare System
Interactive Media Designer
Realty Composer, Scotts Valley, CA
November 2006 - March 2007- Create Flash web sites.
University of California Extension, Santa Cruz
April - June 2000, November 2001.Web Site Management and Development:
- Updated the UC Extension web site (on-line catalog of 900 courses and course sections, including course descriptions, instructor biographies and on-line enrollment information), based on user input and feedback from academic departments.
- Linked multiple screens into a cohesive flow for easy navigation; on-line database integration of all Extension Web screens.
Graphic Artist
In Defense, Inc. - Contract Position. 2000- Designed and created logos, icons and splash screens for print (including brochures, T-shirts, CD-ROMs and slipcovers) and web.
California Coastal Commission
Coastal Program Analyst I
1988 to 1998- Researched and assisted in writting the California Access Action Plan (1999) (pdf).
- Analyzed Local Coastal Program Access components.
- Represented
the California Coastal Commission at Central Coast Area Contingency
Plan (ACP) Meetings. Also:
- Chaired the Volunteer Subcommittee.
- Developed and wrote an information fact sheet on “The Role of the California Coastal Commission at an Oil Spill”.
- Developed
and wrote the Base Program Analysis for the Morro Bay National Estuary
Program in collaboration with the Regional Water Quality Control Board.
- Principal
Co-author of:
- A Pilot Methodology for Assessing Cumulative Impacts Activities that Generate Polluted Runoff: Elkhorn Slough Watershed, Monterey County. January 1998
- Water Quality Summaries: Threatened and Impaired Waterbodies. June 1997.
- Procedural Guidance Manual: Addressing Polluted Runoff in California Coastal Zone. Second Edition 1996.
- Principal
Co-author of:
- Investigated violations of the Coastal Act of 1976. Conducted site inspections.
- Collaborated with the legal counsel. Coordinated local government enforcement staff and state/federal resource agencies. Monitored permits for condition compliance.
- Reviewed management & mitigation plans, resource enhancement plans & environmental impact reports. Evaluated and commented on wetland restoration plans and program.