Audrey Blumeneau

Web Designer • Instructor • Consultant


Audrey received her Bachelor's degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz in Environmental Studies. While attending graduate school at San Francisco State University studying Geography (GIS systems) she got an internship and later a position, with the California Coastal Commission. After many years with the Coastal Commission, Audrey returned back to school at the University of California Santa Cruz Extension to study the new and emerging world of web design. It was through this program that she discovered her love of the creative process and teaching. She was inspired to return to graduate school at Lesley University to get her Master's degree in Education, with an emphasis on gender and technology.

Teaching web design courses began in 2000 at such institutions as University of California Santa Cruz Extension, Cogswell Polytechnical College, Monterey Peninsula College and Cabrillo College where she continues to teach classes. In addition to college courses, she has also taught classes at the Digital Media Academy summer program at Stanford University, Academy X in San Francisco and San Jose State Professional Development Program.

She has also done corporate workshops and classes that include Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute and Lawarence Livermore Research Laboratories. She continues to conduct workshops with corporations and organizations. Another project provided the privilege to work with ETR Training as the technology instructor for middle school girls to teach them how to build games using Adobe Flash, as part of a Gender Equity Grant from the National Science Foundation.

Audrey's courses (both in classroom and online) include web design concepts and the software applications used to create Web sites, including Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash and Illustrator. She also teaches HTML and CSS.

Besides teaching, she maintains a consulting firm which develops, implements and maintains web sites for a diverse clientele.

When not on the computer, she can be seen shooting photos, watching movies or traveling.